Recommendations of the Resolutions Committee

As set forth in Article XII, Section 15 of the National Constitution, in order for proposed resolutions to be considered by this Convention, such resolutions had to be submitted in writing to the National President no later than sixty (60) days prior to the opening of this National Convention.

The Resolutions Committee met and reviewed each and every proposed resolution that was submitted to the Committee. Of these proposals, the Committee is recommending seventeen (17) resolutions for adoption by the delegates assembled for this Convention (including nine (9) reviewed only by the Resolutions Committee and eight (8) reviewed and recommended by the Legislative & Political Committee). The nine (9) recommendations issued only by the Resolutions Committee are captioned below.

Each and every proposed resolution recommended by the Resolutions Committee will be presented for approval by the delegates. Thereafter, delegates will have the opportunity to present for adoption any other resolution that was properly submitted for consideration but not recommended for adoption by the Resolutions Committee.

Proposed Resolution No. 1   Dignity, Respect, and Justice in the Workplace

Proposed Resolution No. 2   Boycott Nabisco Products Made in Mexico

Proposed Resolution No. 3   Supporting the U.S. Mail

Proposed Resolution No. 4   Build a Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service

Proposed Resolution No. 5   Oppose USPS Plans to Downsize or Reduce Service

Proposed Resolution No. 6   In Opposition to Plans to Privatize the Postal Service

Proposed Resolution No. 7   Support the Black Lives Matter Movement and Work for Racial Justice

Proposed Resolution No. 8   Buy Union – Buy American

Proposed Resolution No. 9   Supporting a Union Shop