Sunday Recap

NPMHU Convention Kicks-off in Las Vegas, Nevada



National NPMHU staff members arrived at Caesars Palace last week and have been busy preparing the hotel for a successful convention. They have worked tirelessly to unload, organize, and assemble truckloads of material. Their dedication and diligence are what make today possible.


On Wednesday, August 14th and Thursday August 15th, the National Executive Board met for their quarterly meeting and to finalize convention logistics.


Following the NEB meetings, members of the different convention committees began to arrive. These committees have been meeting since June to prepare for the convention, and they met again this past week to finalize their work.


The Credentials Committee met first, on Friday, August 16th. Since its initial meetings in June to review and certify the list of delegates, the Committee has processed multiple delegate changes, including withdrawals and substitutions. Last week, it confirmed its list and approved its report and finalized the list of certified delegates to be seated at the Convention.


The Constitution Committee also met to prepare for the discussion on the Convention floor anticipated in the upcoming days. It reviewed the Committee’s recommended amendments to the National and Uniform Local Union Constitutions and got ready to explain their proposals and to provide the rationale for those that were not recommended.


On August 17th, the Rules Committee met to approve the procedures and policies that will guide the convention and ensure that all delegates are heard freely and fairly.


That same day, the Legislative and Resolutions Committee also convened to finalize their recommendations for proposals to advance the NPMHU’s legislative and political agenda. With election season upon us, these resolutions are especially important. The two committees, who have been meeting for months, are excited to discuss their recommendations so the delegates can establish the agenda that will form the foundation of our advocacy to the members of Congress and the public at-large.


By Sunday, August 18th, delegates from all over the country began to arrive. Registration ran smoothly, and by dinner time, most of the delegates were registered. This convention is the second to have gone fully digital with delegates accessing the Convention schedule and committee reports online.


As our national officers, our delegates, and our staff had the opportunity to reunite, the excitement makes clear that this convention will be a great one. Betting on the future – we’re all in!

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