Tuesday Recap

On Tuesday morning, the delegates once again convened in the Augustus Ballroom. After opening remarks from National Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Tabarus, Wayne Campbell of Local 318 opened the day’s session with a moving invocation.  Veterans and active-duty Mail Handlers were honored in a stirring salute to our troops. Then, the National Office staff team took the stage and received resounding applause. The Union is deeply grateful for all their hard work. 


Credentials Committee Chairperson Yvette Johnson gave a supplemental report, followed by a report by Chairperson Greg Newsome of the Committee to Elect the Election Committee that delivered the results for the election of judges for the election of national officers.


President Paul Hogrogian welcomed the newly elected judges to the convention stage to present the rules for the primary officer elections that are scheduled for Wednesday morning.


President Hogrogian then opened the floor for nominations of officers. National President Paul Hogrogian and National Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Tabarus were re-elected by acclamation. Dan St. Marie was also elected to the position of Vice President for the Northeastern Region by acclamation.


Also nominated were the following candidates:

Vice President, Central Region:

  • Chris Bentley
  • June Harris

Vice President, Eastern Region:

  • Felandria Jackson
  • John Gibson

Vice-President, Southern Region:

  • John (J.R.) Macon
  • Nick Mosezar
  • Roxie Olds Pride

Vice-President, Western Region:

  • Van Cunningham
  • Don Sneesby


On Wednesday, there will be a primary election for the Vice-President, Southern Region position to determine the two candidates who will appear on the ballot for the mail ballot election, which will take place following the convention.


Following the nominations, delegates then welcomed the leaders of two proud labor unions.

First, Michael Sabitoni, General Secretary-Treasurer of LiUNA, gave a rousing and inspiring speech declaring first and foremost that any attack on the NPMHU is an attack on LiUNA and that the NPMHU will have LiUNA’s full resources and support. General Secretary-Treasurer Sabitoni then emphasized the high stakes of the upcoming presidential election. He implored delegates to vote for union rights in November and to mobilize others to do the same. General LiUNA President Brent Booker closed the LiUNA presentation with a video message expressing his gratitude and solidarity.


Next, Donald Maston, National President of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association, gave his remarks. He acknowledged the difficult work that Mail Handlers do every day as the backbone of the postal community, lauded the NPMHU’s steadfast commitment to its principles, and reflected on the proud history of Postal Service workers fighting alongside each other for their collective rights. His message was straightforward:  Together, the two unions can stand stronger for what’s just and fair.


We are deeply grateful to these Union leaders for making the time to address our delegates.


Pam Barrett, Executive Director of Federal Accounts for AETNA, and Nina Gallauresi, the Executive Director of the Mail Handler Benefit Plan, then highlighted the full range of benefits that are available through the MHBP,  the work the plan is doing to keep premiums competitive, and that, because of the hard work of Mail Handlers across the country, membership in MHBP is growing. Their words instilled confidence that the Mail Handler Benefit Plan is in good hands.


Tuesday’s session concluded with a presentation by Dave Wilkin, the Chairperson of the Constitution Committee, of the proposed constitutional amendments recommended by the Committee.  So far, all of the recommendations have passed unanimously. Tomorrow, after balloting for officer primary elections, delegates will resume consideration of changes to the Constitution.


Until then, delegates can enjoy their nights in the beautiful city of Las Vegas.

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